
Piccadilly Circus

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border=0Buckingham Palace

Her Majesty's official London residence, you might have heard of it

November 1995

A Guide to Music and other events being held in the City of London in November

border=0The London Dungeon

A scary way to spend an afternoon

border=0Arthur's Pub Guide

Read or (even add) your reviews of heaps of drinking establishments

border=0Windsor Castle

State residence since William Conqueror 900 years ago

border=0HMS Belfast

The last of the Royal Navy's Big Gun ships from World War II

border=0Museum of the Moving Image

A fascinating history of Film and Television

border=0Madame Tussaud's

Mix with the famous and infamous at the world famous wax museum

border=0Tower Bridge

The history of one of London's most famous landmarks

border=0The Tower Hill Pageant

London's sights and sounds from Roman times to the present

border=0The Science Museum

An exciting time for everyone in this highly interactive, hands-on Museum

border=0The Comedy Store

Visit the "National Theatre of British Comedy", or just see who's showing there this week.

border=0Hammerwood Park, Country House

Visit (or stay at) a beautiful country estate

border=0The London Silver Vaults

An arcade of Silversmiths, hidden below the centre of London

border=0Duke's Meadows

A new Golf Club for London, opening this Summer

You could always look at the homepages of London's football fans (that's soccer to you chaps from across the pond).

UCL's Guide to London

Precisely that

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